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    Live Show 結果共13筆

  • Accusefive concert draws 40K fans, boosts Yilan tourism

    Experience the electrifying concert that made history in Yilan as Accusefive’s ’Around the New World’ tour drew over 40,000 fans, boosting local tourism and setting records. Witness the spectacle of 8,000 fireworks and the band’s unforgettable performances, including their chart-topping hits.
    2024/03/18 13:50
  • Mackenyu Arata announces first overseas fan meet in Taipei

    Japanese actor Mackenyu Arata is set to hold his first-ever overseas fan meeting in Taipei on Feb. 24, 2024, making him the first Japanese artist to host such an event in Taiwan. Known for his role as "Roronoa Zoro" in the live-action TV adaptation of "ONE PIECE" on Netflix, Mackenyu has gained a global following and has attended comic expos in eight countries. To show his appreciation for his Taiwanese fans, he plans to offer signed posters, group photos, a fan farewell, and an official card to those who purchase tickets for the fan meeting. Tickets for the "2024 Mackenyu Fan Meeting ASIA TOUR EAST BLUE in Taipei" will be available for purchase on Feb. 3, with prices ranging from NT$2,500 (Section D) to NT$4,900 (Section A). Section A ticket holders will also have the opportunity to purchase a limited 150-set autograph session for an additional NT$2,000.
    2024/01/25 14:19
  • BE’O衝下台撩妹「歡迎大家找他私聊」 相約夏天開唱+吃芒果冰

    韓國新生代嘻哈歌手BE’O昨(13)日在台北舉辦人生首場演唱會,開場即以經典歌曲〈Counting Star〉揭開序幕,直接點燃粉絲熱情!為了人生首場演唱會,BE’O做足準備,為粉絲帶來滿滿的驚喜,一連帶來共26首歌曲,還有許多LIVE上少見的夢幻歌曲,甚至還跟粉絲近距離接觸,滿滿的粉絲福利讓台下觀眾尖叫連連。演唱會結束時還以中文祝大家「新年快樂」,並與粉絲約定夏天要再來台灣吃芒果冰、開演唱會!
    2024/01/14 10:10
  • Beyoncé shouts out ’Taiwan’ in tour film promo

    Pop diva Beyoncé surprises fans with the release of a video promoting the cinematic debut of her concert tour movie, specifically mentioning "Taiwan" as one of the countries where the film will be shown. The clip quickly gains attention from a massive global audience of 21 million viewers. Beyoncé’s world tour, titled "Renaissance" after her album, has been captivating audiences worldwide and is now being brought to the big screen for those unable to attend the live performances. In the promotional video, Beyoncé’s powerful voice passionately announces "Taiwan," indicating her desire to share the exhilarating concert experience with audiences everywhere. The video concludes with an invitation for fans to watch the movie in the nearest cinema, promising a thrilling experience comparable to attending the live show. "Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé" is set to premiere tomorrow, with ticket prices ranging from NT$500 to NT$600, ensuring accessibility for eager fans wanting to indulge in the Beyoncé experience on the big screen.
    2023/12/20 21:27
  • Taichung’s New Year’s Eve bash to feature Korea’s Jessi

    Join the star-studded New Year’s Eve celebration in Taichung, Taiwan, featuring Korea’s hip-hop queen, Jessi. Golden Bell Awards hosts Ken Lin and Gladys Tsai will ensure a night full of entertainment. Other performers include Namewee, Nick Chou, Crowd Lu, Nine Chen, Kenny Khoo, Gail, Chang Ruo-fan, Cosmos People, and Amazing Show. The event will also feature a 180-second international-level fireworks display. Watch the festivities live on platforms like Taiwan Mobile’s MyVideo.
    2023/12/20 19:22
  • Mayday wraps up tour in Paris, quashes lip-sync rumors

    Mayday, the Taiwanese rock band, concluded their "I Really Want to See You" concert series with a final show in Paris. The concert, which aimed to dispel lip-syncing rumors, received global accolades for its authenticity. Lead vocalist Ashin emotionally shared his sentiments about the band’s journey, while guitarist Stone thanked fans for their support. Bassist Masa attempted to greet Parisian fans in French, eliciting laughter when his pronunciation was off. Monster, another guitarist, expressed appreciation for fans and encouraged their enthusiasm despite the chilly weather. Guan You shared an amusing anecdote about not being recognized in Paris without his glasses. Highlighting the evening, Ashin delivered powerful vocals, exclaiming his reliance on his throat for 24 years. Mayday’s commitment to live performances resonated deeply with their international fan base.
    2023/12/08 17:23
  • 林曉培爆「歌唱失調」遇大魔王 彩排唱〈追〉哭出來

    林曉培宣布加盟新東家杰思國際娛樂,她日前舉辦巡演「林曉培快樂唱LIVE SHOW」高雄安可場,獲歌迷空前迴響。林曉培睽違3年再次開唱,不僅全場座無虛席,還有海外有不少鐵粉支持,她更首次在線上直播,2個半小時演唱超過20首經典歌曲,舉凡〈心動〉、〈手太小〉、〈她的眼淚〉等,歌迷大合唱。
    2022/07/04 17:28
  • 手刀搶票!EDM神團「老菸槍」3月首次空降台灣開唱

    全球線上收聽次數超過50億、新專輯勇奪62國iTunes排行榜冠軍的「電音神團」老菸槍雙人組The Chainsmokers,甫完成2017年《記憶…封存 Memories...Do Not Open》演唱會的兩人,挾帶著葛萊美獎加持的超高人氣及聲望,2018年立刻展開世界巡迴演出,並選定台北做為全亞洲「唯四」的大型專場solo show演出城市之一,誓言帶給台灣粉絲截然不同的老菸槍Live演出體驗!
    2018/01/26 15:17
  • 查寧塔圖脫了!《舞力麥克》現場Live Show

    男星查寧塔圖有著一副健壯的好身材,2012年自編自演,將出道前曾是脫衣舞男經歷改編成電影,精實的好身材一覽無遺,讓粉絲眼球大吃冰淇淋,拿下好票房;隨後2015年再推出《舞棍俱樂部XXL》,將舞蹈與脫衣結合的更加完美,看過電影的粉絲都嫌不夠,近日查寧塔圖在臉書直播時宣布明年要將Magic Mike搬上舞台,來場Live Show,粉絲直呼:「得趕緊存錢飛去美國啦!」
    2016/05/21 14:56
  • 韓Live音樂節目遇大雨 女團表演慘摔6次

    27日晚間韓國音樂節目《Show Champion》,在蔚山做現場LIVE演出,結果竟遇上大雨,但偶像們仍敬業演出,造成整場都有持續摔倒的慘況,像是新團宇宙少女出場就慘摔6次,最後冠軍VIXX更在台上淋雨頒獎跳安可曲,讓粉絲相當不捨。
    2016/04/29 12:56
  • 歐普拉中央公園Live秀 粉絲High翻天

    美國脫口秀女王歐普拉,首度將脫口秀節目搬到紐約中央公園舉行Live Show,現場粉絲擠得滿滿滿,還有人蹺班只為了一睹偶像風采,就連好萊塢帥哥休傑克曼和丹尼爾克雷格也意外現身,讓歐普拉驚喜不已。
    2009/09/20 21:43
  • 產後復出 小S首次登陸Live Show

    2008/03/16 11:20
  • 松浦亞彌巡迴演出 歌迷熱情回應

    今井繪理子上禮拜在東京舉辦小型LIVE SHOW,單槍匹馬展歌喉的今井繪理子,雖然一嚐開演唱會的心願,不過,對他來說,這些都只是磨練自己的第一步。 今井繪理子:「對我來說,這些還不夠,真的,不過從今天開始,我要開始嘗試各種安排,會有各式的作品出來,這些非作不可。」 松浦亞彌:「今晚大家一起參加祭典吧!」早安甜心松浦亞彌,魅力驚人,5號他也在東京舉辦了全國巡迴演唱會第47場的演出,現場吸引了5千多位歌迷,跟著可愛的松浦亞彌起舞。 好萊塢巨星阿諾史瓦辛格,上禮拜風塵僕僕飛到日本大阪,為新片「魔鬼終結者3」宣傳造勢。阿諾史瓦辛格:「我是T850。」
    2003/07/14 21:49
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